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Roofer Oldham Pages

Roof Repairs in Oldham

We have been serving Oldham for a long time our team is experienced and we offer the highest quality of roofing with a 30 year guarantee.

Gutter Repairs in Oldham

Guttering in Oldham is one of our company's main services. We offer a large range of guttering including alluminium and wooden.

Cement Verge Detailing

All verge tiles and slates should be bedded on an undercloak. Alternatively, proprietary dry verge systems should be fixed in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations.

The undercloak should be installed to a true line and bedded on roofing mortar struck off flush with the external surface of the wall. Alternatively, a suitable exterior grade bedding sealant could be used in accordance with manufacturer'srecommendations. Where a bargeboard is used, theundercloak should be securely nailed to a true line.

The undercloak should be installed at the correct level to ensure that the line of the tiling is maintained where it passes over the wall.

Where slates or plain tiles are used the verge should project 38mm to 50mm beyond the gable wall or bargeboard. Interlocking tiles can project 30mm to 60mm. Tile battens should finish 25mm to 50mm from the face of the protectingundercloak. Cut ends of tile battens that are in contact with mortar should be treated with a liberal brush coating of preservative.

At verges:

  • Cut plain tiles are not acceptable and purpose made plain tile and a half or half tile should be used
  • Cut single lapped interlocking tiles should not be used
  • Natural slate verges should be formed with full slates and either slate and a half or half slates that are a minimum 150mm wide.

The undercloak should lap the roof underlay but not tilt inwards. Wet bedded verge tiles or slates should be fully bedded on roofing mortar having a minimum width of 100mm. Verge slates or tiles should be bedded on theundercloak and completed in one operation.

Where required by the design interlocking single lap tiles should be secured with clips and twice nailed in position at the tile lap, as well as bedded in mortar. Verge clips should be in full contact with the tile to resist uplift.

More Services in Uppermill

Roof Repairs in Uppermill, Gutter Repairs in Uppermill, Cement Verge Detailing in Uppermill, Fascia Soffit And Dryline System in Uppermill, Flat Roofs in Uppermill, Tile Roofs in Uppermill, Slate Roofs in Uppermill, Roof Renewal in Uppermill, Roofing in Uppermill, Roof Maintenance in Uppermill, Wooden Gutters in Uppermill, UPVC Gutters in Uppermill,

Roofer Oldham Photos of Our work

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Flat Roof under construction
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Damaged ridge tile storm damage
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Industrial Repair
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Roofing Service Areas in Oldham